GENEXPRESS is a research-based cleantech company that develops on-site agriculture and agri-food pathogen screening kits for routine diagnosis, and novel class of biopesticides for a clean environment and sustainable agriculture.

On-site diagnosis of tobacco mosaic viroid (TMV)

Watch our video on diagnosis of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) under 45 minute.

Our current focus is on developing on-site Agro-Food pathogen screening kits at low dollars/test allowing customers to take immediate action for ongoing plant health issues. To achieve this goal, we communicate regularly with Agro-Food industries to understand on-going issues and requirements, which are then developed into end-user-friendly kits in our state-of-art molecular biology laboratory. On-site detection helps in several ways that include but are not limited to (i) detecting the pathogen accurately; (ii) creating an IPM program; (iii) preventing the spread of the disease; (iv) mitigating the disease associate loss;(v) reducing pesticide usage; (vi) quality of the product.

Effect of biopesticide developed at GENEXPRESS  on fungal spore germination.

Approximately 10 - 40 % of crops are lost to disease worldwide despite using a wide array of toxic pesticides. At GENEXPRESS, we engineer pathogen-specific biopesticides after elucidating plant-microbe-environment interactions at a gene-for-gene level to create effective molecules that boost a plant's immune system.

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Office: Z8-3005, 3201 rue Jean-Mignault, Sherbrooke, QC J1E 4K8, Canada